Shopping for handles may seem simple, but it can turn stressful instantly, especially if you are unsure of what will provide optimal function and appeal. The large selection of handle colors, styles, sizes, and mixes make it even tougher to make a choice.

To take away the stress of making the wrong decision, it’s wise to set your expectations straight and take stock of your requirements. To help you through this, Handle This! has put together a Beginner’s Guide to picking the right handle. The guide is designed to make handle selection faster, simpler, and easier for you.

Getting Started

Choose a design theme you like: Spend time in deciding which look will suit your home’s interiors or add to the look you are trying to accomplish. See what color handles you are drawn to. Also, think about mixing and matching knobs with handles and with cups, or other ideas along these lines. You can find examples online and on Pinterest to help you define your style.

Next Steps

Note handle sizes: Find out what size handles you need if you have predrilled holes. Make a note of the handle sizes suitable for your furnishings. Also, save pictures of innovative and stylish handles that may suit the size and design of your cabinets, drawers, and doors at home.

Know what finish you need: Make your choice based on what finish you would like to see. Again, pictures will help you decide in case you are on the fence about matte styles and glossy finishes or metal and wooden handles. Similarly, it would be best if you also considered the lighting style in different rooms, so they match the hardware you select.

Make a list: Prepare a list of all the things you need to consider while shopping for handles. These can include a door sample, the color of doors and cabinets, kitchen floor plan with measurements of drawers, etc. With these details on hand, handle size selection becomes simpler.

Advice From The Pros

Be prepared for a smooth experience: For example, not knowing the size of the handle you want to replace wastes a lot of time and money when shopping for the replacement. Also, mixing handles when you already have predrilled holes becomes a concern for some. Come armed with all measurements and design ideas for a smooth, efficient shopping experience.

Keep a design binder: Maintain a binder or folder with all you need to be prepared with for the selection of handles. It will make the selection process smoother for you.

Speak to a professional: While designing your interiors, you want to enjoy the process while creating a vision, noting measurements, and preparing kitchen floor plans. If you aren’t having fun, speak to professionals like designers and handle experts to get the right look and feel.

At AMBA, our goal is to exceed your expectations when it comes to choosing stylish yet functional hardware for your home. As the go-to experts for kitchen and bathroom accessories in Toronto, ON, we offer you a wide variety of products to suit our individual tastes and preferences. Moreover, we also help you achieve satisfaction through personal assistance to find the right style, colors, and price points.

Visit our website to learn more or contact AMBA today.

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